Slender leaf crotalaria spp is among the indigenous and underutilized vegetables in kenya whose production is limited to the western and coastal regions of the country. There are many species and most of them are poisonous. Sunn hemp is also being looked at as a possible biofuel. Crotalaria spectabilis is an erect, muchbranched annual to perennial plant with stems that can become more or less woody and persist. Short communication the african journal of plant science and biotechnology 2011 global science books effect of neem azadirachta indica a. The genus includes about 500 species of herbaceous plants and shrubs. The plant first known in florida as crotalaria intermedia kotschy 1865 and later as c. It is poisonous to livestock, and contaminates human food. Its original native range is unclear, probably including tropical asia, africa and australia. The substrates preferentially used in the crotalaria treatments and in the nonplanted soil amended with krp were mannose, sucrose, aspartic acid and glucose whereas they were malonic acid, citric acid and. Sep 26, 2019 studying the link between physiological performance of crotalaria ochroleuca and the distribution of ca, p, k and s in seeds with xray fluorescence. Crotalaria ochroleuca rattle pod is a plant in the legume fabaceae family that is eaten in africa.
For a long time, this crop has been neglected in terms of research and genetic improvement. Enlow, associate agronomist, office of forage crops and diseases, bureau of plant industry contents page introduction use 1 general description time2 climatic requirements. Rupper g 1987 cultivation of marejea crotalaria ochroleuca. Department of agriculture agricultural research service. The potential of crotalaria ochroleuca as a green manure crop was evaluated in a series of onstation and onfarm trials on reddish kaolinitic loam and sandy clay loam. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Bionectria ochroleuca is a plant pathogen that causes seed rot in oil seed rape.
Cover crops as affecting soil chemical and physical properties and. An excellent, if rather terse, guide to the traditional medicinal uses of the plants of the region the leaves, mixed with those of crotalaria quinquefolia, act internally as well as externally. Don as a green manure inmaizebean cropping systems in uganda. They have a high potential of playing a significant role in alleviating the high rate of malnutrition in the country. Abstract the increase in the area planted with crotalaria spectabilis has occurred by. Stipules acicular, very minute, persistent or caducous. The diseases caused have many names including walkabout, kimberley horse disease, stywesiekte and. Crescent sunn crotalaria juncea sunn hemp is a high quality forage cut for hay, it is also well suited for soil improvement or green manure crop.
Crotalaria sown before maize planting with maize seeds. Production of the green manure by intercropping crotalaria with either maize or beans was found to be feasible with little reduction in food crop yield and a mean land equivalent ratio of 1. Click on an acronym to view each weed list, or click here for a composite list of weeds of the u. An illustrated flora of the northern united states, canada and the british possessions. The potential of marejea crotalaria ochroleuca as green manure in maize production in the kilimanjaro region of tanzania. Fischler m, wortmann c s and feil b 1999 crotalaria c. Pdf crotalaria ochroleuca as a green manure crop in uganda. Crotalaria, a new legume for the south by mckee, roland, 1880. Pdf responses of slenderleaf rattlebox crotalaria ochroleuca to. I chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility at different stages of growth f.
Agromorphological characterization of kenyan slender leaf. How crotalaria is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. This study describes the use of xray fluorescence spectroscopy in crotalaria ochroleuca seed technology. The atlas of florida plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information.
Schmitt department of plant and environmental protection sciences, 3190 maile way, university of hawaii, honolulu, hi 968222279, u. Africa is the continent with the majority of crotalaria species approximately 400 species, which are mainly found in damp grassland, especially in floodplains, depressions and along edges of swamps and. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in crotalaria. Crotalaria is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family fabaceae subfamily faboideae commonly known as rattlepods. An excellent, if rather terse, guide to the traditional medicinal uses of the plants of the region the leaves, mixed with those of crotalaria quinquefolia, act internally as well as externally against fever, scabies, lung diseases and impetigo. Provided by ars systematic botany and mycology laboratory. This species can best be distinguished by the colour of the flower pale yellow or creamish vs. Sun hemp indian hemp crotalaria juncea l smooth crotalaria crotalaria mucronata desv c. General information growing nitrogenfixing legumes and incorporating the biomass into the soil before planting a food crop can improve soil productivity and the yields of the following crop.
Plants profile for crotalaria ochroleuca slender leaf rattlebox. Green manurecover crop technology in eastern and central. These plants get their name from the sound made when their podlike fruit is shaken, causing the seeds to rattle around inside. Image usage requirements for crotalaria ochroleuca usda. Cultivation 4 soil and harvestingmoisture requirements 4 palatability to livestock. Warm season cover crop adaptation trials using crotalaria. Crotalaria, a new legume for the south internet archive. Don 1832, a second species of a largeflowered narrowleaflet group of subtly separated. Stems terete, thick, densely rusty appressed pubescent. Crotalaria as a cover crop for nematode management. Foluke odewole2 1 department of crop protection and environmental biology, university of. Crotalaria brevidens and crotalaria ochroleuca are leafy vegetable species found to be cultivated in western kenya. Two main species of slender leaf are crotalaria brevidens and crotalaria ochroleuca.
Their poisonous qualities were discovered in connection with animal stock loss, and development was then halted, but several persist as common noxious weeds. Plants profile for crotalaria rotundifolia rabbitbells. Continuing to use this website means you agree to our use of cookies. Studying the link between physiological performance of crotalaria ochroleuca and the distribution of ca, p, k and s in seeds with xray fluorescence. Several tribes known to reside in the country, including the luhyas, luos and kisiis tribes, have been reported to have an extraordinarily high number of these species in comparison to other plant species in their communities. Plants profile for crotalaria ochroleuca slender leaf. This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. Media in category crotalaria ochroleuca the following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. Crotalaria, a new legume for the south by roland mckia senior agronomist, and o. It has been introduced as a crop plant in many tropical areas and has. Names of crotalaria in various languages of the world are also given. Rattlebox crotalaria species at jdsp worldwide, there are over 600 species in the genus crotalaria, also commonly known as rattlebox, rattlepod, shake shake, or devilbean. Crotalaria ochroleuca in the germplasm resources information network grin, u.
Crotalaria junceais grown mainly in india, brazil, and west pakistan for its fiber. International with a presence in asia, africa, australia and the pacific, the caribbean, and the united states. Studying the link between physiological performance of crotalaria. Corydalis ochroleuca is a low, moundforming perennial grown for its long season of producing showy white flowers and clean, finetextured foliage. Crotalaria retusa is a species of flowering plant in the legume family known by various common names including devilbean, rattleweed, shack shack, and wedgeleaf rattlepod. General information about crotalaria ochroleuca cvtoc this website uses cookies our website uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best possible online experience. An experimental study was carried out to analyze zinc levels in raw and blanched slenderleaf sp. Despite their healthy benefits they contain alkaloids and oxalates which.
Results indicated that blanching reduces zinc levels in slenderleaf vegetables, however, the reductions are not significant. Pdf the potential of marejea crotalaria ochroleuca as green. Information is limited on the adaptation and production of sunn hemp crotalaria juncea l. There is therefore scanty information on its morphological diversity and agronomic performance, hence the need for this study. Crotalaria herb uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients. Usda ars fungal database this hypocrealesrelated article is a stub. Description growing conditions varieties uses maintenance propagation harvest pests and diseases references. Crotalaria spp jomo kenyatta university journals jkuat. Crotalaria juncea, known as brown hemp, indian hemp, madras hemp, or sunn hemp, is a tropical asian plant of the legume family. Pdf crotalaria as a cover crop for nematode management.
Impacts on microbial functional diversity involved in phosphorus mobilization processes in a sahelian soil. Department of entomology and nematology, university of florida, p. Crotalaria juncea and eleusine indica were susceptible to m. Past research efforts have shown that the soft, lignified fibers produced in the stem of sunn hemp could be utilized in the manufacturing of pulp and paper, and more recent efforts have indicated that other potential products can be developed from these fibers. Sarwatt department of animal science and production, faculty of agriculture, p. Effects of replacing sunflower seed cake with crotalaria. Large image for crotalaria ochroleuca slender leaf. We do not use these to store personal information about you.
It is used in the production of twine, rug yarn, tissue paper, fishnets, sacking, canvas, and cordage duke, 1983. Crotalaria ochroleuca as a green manure crop in uganda. Pdf the potential of crotalaria ochroleuca as a green manure crop was evaluated in a series of onstation and onfarm trials on. Crotalaria definition of crotalaria by the free dictionary. There is an increased interest in crotalaria entries as a cover crop for sugarcane saccharum officinarum l. Crotalaria brevidens and crotalaria ochroleuca are leafy vegetable species found to be cultivated in. Some species of crotalaria are grown as fiber crops, fodder, and green manure, while others are used medicinally and as ornamentals. Pdf studying the link between physiological performance.
It is generally considered to have originated in india. Ohbutyric acid in the brassica treatments and in the nonplanted soil without krp fig. Corydalis ochroleuca wikibooks, open books for an open world. A study was carried out to determine dry matter dm yield, chemical composition, and in vitro dry matter digestibility ivdmd of crotalaria ochroleuca marejea. Crotalaria is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family fabaceae subfamily faboideae. Crotalaria ochroleuca is an annual herbaceous plant utilized for fiber, forage, and as a green manure cover crop. Small ruminant research, 7 1992 2128 elsevier science publishers b. Pdf nutritional composition of slenderleaf crotalaria. Dzowela 2 1 sokoine university of agriculture, morogoro, tanzania 2 panesa coordinating unit, ilca, nairobi, kenya abstract. Don calopo calopogonium mucunoides black jack bean canavalia ensiformis l.
A large image of crotalaria ochroleuca slender leaf rattlebox from the usda plants database. It is now widely grown throughout the tropics and subtropics as a source of green manure, fodder and lignified fiber obtained from its stem. Crotalaria ochroleuca cvtocoverview eppo global database. A downloadable pdf document of a book in prepublication awaiting illustration. Nutritional composition of slenderleaf crotalaria ochroleuca and crotalaria brevidens vegetable at three stages of maturity. Pages in category crotalaria the following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total. Usually bright yellow in crotalaria brevidens, the calyx glabrous versus often puberulous, and the fruit diameter 1. Among the alvs commonly consumed among many communities in kenya is. To test this hypothesis, three field studies were conducted over three consecutive cropping seasons at kawanda agricultural research institute in uganda. Management of the mycorrhizal soil infectivity with crotalaria ochroleuca, an indigenous wild legume in the tropics.
Management of the mycorrhizal soil infectivity with. Hence, mulching crotalaria residues at maturity would seem to be more favorable than incorporating them at an immature stage. This work evaluated xray fluorescence techniques to estimate. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the university of south florida and other herbaria. Much of the research on crotalaria has focused on nematode. Home image gallery profile page large image view of crotalaria ochroleuca g.
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